But only a few really making the point that without the correct psychology / mindset then systems generally will not help! Friends and fellow traders Martin and Kate also attended the event.
The first day had the usual suspects such as Knowledge to action and win investing. I have taken many courses including one from each of the companies mentioned above. I could have saved a lot of money... but you live and learn.
If I was to offer some advice...... Well for me personally win investing was the worst course I have ever paid for on trading. I admit it was over three years ago. But since I took the course, I have still to come across anyone who has given it a glowing reference!
The below video is gives you a quick look at the event.
Earlier I mentioned Sandy Jadeja who has appeared on bloomberg and many investment shows. Sandy also writes for investor chronicles the Times and many more. On Sunday I had the pleasure of having a private chat about teaching and trading the markets.
He talked a lot about tough love in his trading methods. In his presentation he gave no guarantees on his course and was very specific in our discussion that he teaches you to trade. He does not offer you a guaranteed system as many do. But his system is simple and what you get is what you put in.
I asked if he is prepared to mentor people? His answer was a straight no, this is mainly because the goal of trading for him is to free up time. He cant offer mentoring if he cannot fully commit and like wise passing you onto his team of people as others do, is not in his opinion mentorship!
He's a great guy and gave a massive amounts of value in our discussion. I have taken his e-mail address for future communication. His video of January this year is still very close to the current market conditions. It has some great nuggets that can help improve all our trading!
Sandy Jadeja - Talking about dealing with fear and more when trading!
Onto the Forex trades this morning. Two trades on cable to be precise for a nice 51 pips gain. I have pulled off the actual entry as shown by the broker and posted it below. Over the last 10 days cable has been very volatile moving on average 100 - 200 pips per day.
I just want around forty of them. I pay most attention to price action and less on psychological levels. You need to learn how each forex pair behaves as they are very different. Cable being sensitive to most news, fell massively last week due to the problems in Dubai.
The trend has continued this morning and lots of pips on offer again. The key to this trade was the aggressive drop of the candle at 7.45 am using a 5 min chart!
Date: 30 NOV 2009
Size: Buy to close
Open Level: 16503
Market: Spot FX GBP/USD 30 NOV 2009
Level: 16476.6
Date: 30 NOV 2009
Size: Buy to close
Open Level: 16543.8
Market: Spot FX GBP/USD 30 NOV 2009
(Cable trade)

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