Closely Guarded 100% Accuracry Forex Strategy

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Friday, 31 July 2009

Day Trading Fri the 30th July!

Didn't trade on Thursday due to circumstances beyond my control! Then traded today using old charts which was not a good thing! I lost twice mainly because I couldn't see the pivot points. Total loss was 40 pips and I spent the rest of the day making it up.

This was done by what Raju of our skype trading group calls, optimistic scalping raids! I'm not sure where he got that from but it sounds good and technical so I thought I would use it!

I recovered 20 in total so finished the week around 25 pips up.
Third straight week of plus results! I am extremely happy with my consistency. I had some external challenges and I didn't trade on Thursday so to finish 25 pips up is a major plus point!

As I said a few challenges and can't capture charts for you to see my messed up trades. But I will update this for Monday when I'm back up and running! Until then enjoy your weekend and be ready to hit the markets on Monday.

First week of the month so there will be many announcements to play havoc with your trading if you let it!

To your success!

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