When I logged on my favourite trade which is the Pound Dollar forex breakout, was done and dusted. It was a very nice move but sadly I was not in it and missed 30 easy pips and more. I would have ended the week on 120 pips if I had placed this trade!
(Cable Breakout)

Forex Pivot Strategy
I have found the grey background seems to give a better picture so you can see the trade. I will now show more on this strategy's performance. You can now view the trades much more clearly to compare on your own charts.
Some great moves this week and very successful, I unfortunately missed the best one today on the Euro Dollar. I play this strategy by setting oto's (Order To Open) but was too late after Internet connection to place the trade.
I then ended up in a Dollar Yen trade but went out and missed break even. It went wrong so I cut my losses and ended the week up 60 pips! As I said I wont take it personal!

Its Friday again and I have Arsenal to bash Birmingham to look forward to! A good week with the highlight of meeting Brad Sugrars of Action Coach on Wednesday. You gain an understanding of why top people like him are successful. I took away lots on business that I can implement straight away.
I shall be teaching the new advanced traders next Friday. With a more mechanical ForexStrategy it is even easier to pick up.
Have a great weekend all!
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