Happy New Year! Well just a couple of days short. I have found a couple of great videos on using pivots on forex trades.I have touched on pivot points before in a previous blog post. It continues to be used more and more as a strategy to identify great trades on forex pairs.
I currently use a great pivot strategy that is very consistent. The more I learn about them the better I will be at identifying better trades.
They work in trending markets as well as channeling markets, and the videos are better than the previous blog post on pivots.For a day trader pivot points are essential for identifying strong resistance and supports. Note, the amount of times he mentions discipline and money management in the first video.
So three great videos on pivot points and the use of them. The first video is split into two, and will give you a good understanding of the fundamentals, entry's and exits. The third is a bit more detailed and if you have used pivots before? Then maybe you jump to that video. It has a strategy which is easy to pick up!
The third video is one of the best explanations I have seen of pivot points, nine minutes of great information, and I encourage you to take notes. If you do come across a pivot strategy and want more info, or would like to use them in your trading Click here for a free stock market DVD
Pivots are as discussed a very strong indicator, the amount of growing company's that are using them as trading strategy's is an example of its importance. They also work well with other indicators, to give you even more secure entry's in your forex trading!