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Thursday, 24 December 2009

2010 Here You Come!

Merry Christmas all, the festive period has kept me busy and I have had very little time to update my blog. Trading officially ended on the 18th of December due to the lack of volatility in the markets after this period. In time honored tradition my brain in the last week in particular, has switched to festive season mode. But more importantly the master plan for 2010!

Whatever has happened to you that is negative in 2009 forget about it! Whatever has happened to you in 2009 that is positive, hold, focus and make it bigger! I caught up with twitter queen Milli Ponce this week and we discussed many topics including our love for reading. Two books that we talked about in particular were the Celestine prophecy and also the Alchemist by Paul Coelho.

Both books are story's but have a real value to life. In short one is the journey a person takes to find riches (The Alchemist) and If I had to describe the Celestine Prophecy I would say it was a combination of Think and Grow Rich and the secret. Honestly there are really no problems that any human has faced that somebody else has not faced before you. Humans are repetitive and everything is a repeat of that repetition!

What makes a person different is there ability to deal with challenges and more importantly how you choose to live your life i.e ATTITUDE. My blog was inspired through the fact that after 6 months of trading and loosing it dawned on me that I was fighting myself. Win that battle and I would win at trading. From that point on the charts and screens have looked very different.

Yet again it proved to me that no matter what you are doing in life you are responsible for what happens (Both good and Bad). While the difference between 2010 and 2009 is actually one day this can be and should be used to motivate yourself for your next journey in life.

In my discussions with Milli we also talked about Will Smith. To become the highest paid actor in Hollywood Is incredible. If you had gone back 20 years and said that a black man would be the highest paid actor grossing over 100 million on each of his last eight films...People would call you mad and probably throw you in Jail.

The video below is 9 minutes of short clips... but I encourage you to watch it all.  It is an example of what can be achieved with the correct mindset!

Remember belief mixed with actions creates results and change only comes from you! I leave you with my favourite quote form Albert Einstein:

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. 

What will you change to get ahead in 2010? I start trading again from Jan the 4th when volatility is back in the market. Until then I wish you all a fantastic Christmas and the best year ever in 2010.

To Your Trading Success in 2010

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